Dora Janićijević Sales Executive at Mediavision, the company responsible for Nem Zagreb and Dubrovnik in Croatia, held a presentation of the two markets during Conecta (Toled June 26-29).
The TV production in the CEE regions faces several challenges such as limited funding, lack of infrastructure and market fragmentation, but at the same time, offer some opportunities for producers. "Nem Dubrovnik and Nem Zagreb are two key events to ensure visibility and networking opportunities and also to focus on the new trends with very effective screenings and content showcases".
"In particular - said Janićijević - Croatia offers for its rich history and natural beauty a perfect set for many shows: Game of Thrones, Star Wars the Last Jedi and Robid Hood were partially filmed there".
Croatia also exported its creativity with two important titles: The Paper (2016) first series in Croatian language aired by Netflix and The Silence (2022) a crime drama produced by Drugi Plan and distributed by Beta Film.
Janićijević also confirmed the importantance of the next upcoming event Nem Zagreb to be held in December 6-8, 2023: "a must-event for screenwriters and producers to expand business relationships and investments in the CEE regions".