The show will be produced by Remarkable Entertainment, a Banijay company, for early 2024. The Genius Game originally aired on CJ ENM's K-content channel tvN in South Korea in 2013 and has achieved remarkable success, spanning four seasons and creating a very wide and loyal fan base. The format is represented by Banijay across eleven international markets including the UK, Germany, Iberia, Mexico, Brazil, Israel and the Nordics.
Created by the mastermind behind popular game realiy shows such as 'The Great Escape' and 'High School Mystery Club,' 'The Genius Game' is a captivating survival hybrid reality game show that puts contestants' intelligence, powers of persuasion, and social skills to the ultimate test. Participants are carefully selected based on their social IQ, charisma, charm and intelligence. Each episode presents challenging games that require analytical reasoning, attention to detail, memory, and loyalty. Contestants must also navigate a complex web of secret alliances as they make life-altering decisions about whom to trust and betray, with one player being eliminated in each episode following a death match. In this intricate social puzzle, only one person can emerge as "the Genius."
Previously, 'The Genius Game' enjoyed a successful adaptation in the Netherlands, where it was renamed 'The Genius' and broadcasted 8 episodes on NPO3.
Created by the mastermind behind popular game realiy shows such as 'The Great Escape' and 'High School Mystery Club,' 'The Genius Game' is a captivating survival hybrid reality game show that puts contestants' intelligence, powers of persuasion, and social skills to the ultimate test. Participants are carefully selected based on their social IQ, charisma, charm and intelligence. Each episode presents challenging games that require analytical reasoning, attention to detail, memory, and loyalty. Contestants must also navigate a complex web of secret alliances as they make life-altering decisions about whom to trust and betray, with one player being eliminated in each episode following a death match. In this intricate social puzzle, only one person can emerge as "the Genius."
Previously, 'The Genius Game' enjoyed a successful adaptation in the Netherlands, where it was renamed 'The Genius' and broadcasted 8 episodes on NPO3.