The Boys is a scripted factual comedy series about friendship, life, love, and sports. Centering around a group of friends from different walks off life -- from surgeons to police officers -- they face life’s challenges together on and off the sports’ field. For eleven guys, Monday is their favorite day of the week when these part-time gladiators pull on, with pride and some difficulty, a jersey emblazoned with their team crest THE BOYS. These old timers continue to play “the world’s greatest game” and meet at Stan’s Bar, to down a pitcher of brew. They hang out, argue, complain, throw fists, and eventually hug and make up.
The Boys is a prime-time comedy series and was one of the biggest French-Canadian TV franchises in Canada. During its run, it had a 38% market share on Radio-Canada TV with 73 TV episodes and 5 movies under its belt.