
Satirical Show Striscia la Notizia celebrates 35 years anniversary

Satirical Show Striscia la Notizia celebrates 35 years anniversary
Satirical daily show Striscia la Notizia celebrates today 35 years anniversary with 7562 episodes.
The format created by Antonio Ricci in 1988, is the longest Mediaset's running series.
Broadcast by Canale 5 after the news, Striscia is an irreverent variety show with a civic commitment  to report medical malpractice, corruption of the Italian system, and from 1992 to 2010, Striscia helped the State to recover the record sum of 7 billion and 800 million euros. The data was published in a research conducted by Bocconi University (The social, cultural and economic relevance of Striscia la Notizia from its birth to today). 