TV Audience

Monday, January 22: Football match Napoli VS Inter leader of the night with 31.1%; La Storia (20.5%); 4 Hotel (2.6%) in fta; Little Big Italy (3.2%)

Monday, January 22: Football match Napoli VS Inter leader of the night with 31.1%; La Storia (20.5%); 4 Hotel (2.6%) in fta; Little Big Italy (3.2%)
Rai 1 drama series La Storia 3.716/20.5%
Canale 5 football match of Supercoppa Italiana Napoli - Inter 7.190/31.1%
Rai 2 one man show Tutto suo padre… e anche un po’ sua madre 1.038/6.3% (S)
Rai 3 talk show FarWest 653k/4%
Italia 1 documentary Freedom - Oltre il Confine 791k/4.9%
TV8 travelling show 4 Hotel 531k/2.6%
NOVE cooking show Little Big Italy 653k/3.2%