The show will be hosted by Milly Carlucci (Dancing with the stars) and will sees five celebrities in competition to find the next talents in the role of "Talent Catchers."
Therefore, the five celebrities will be competing, presenting some up-and-coming artists from various fields of the entertainment world, who will perform strictly live and be judged by a combination of votes from the jury present in the theater and the audience at home. Viewers will be able to vote, as is now customary in all talent shows, through social media and telephone voting. The program will be broadcast live on Friday evenings and will be produced by Fremantle.
Therefore, the five celebrities will be competing, presenting some up-and-coming artists from various fields of the entertainment world, who will perform strictly live and be judged by a combination of votes from the jury present in the theater and the audience at home. Viewers will be able to vote, as is now customary in all talent shows, through social media and telephone voting. The program will be broadcast live on Friday evenings and will be produced by Fremantle.