The project will narrate the Gucci family story from its origins when the founder, Guccio Gucci, embarked on a new grand and ambitious venture with his leather bag shop in Florence. It will continue with the journey of his son Aldo, the eldest of five brothers, who in the 1930s opened the first boutique in Rome and created the iconic brand with the double G logo in red and green.
Marco Rosi, General Manager of Gaumont Italy, declares: "I am proud to announce this ambitious project. We enthusiastically embraced the proposal from Giorgio and his family to work on the story of one of the world's most iconic brands, whose global success remains indissolubly linked to Italian excellence and the family that has been its creator."
Giorgio Gucci, CEO of Alcor Film, adds: "We chose Gaumont for their journey so similar to ours, a Family Business that chooses excellence every day to continue growing. There is a great communion of intent between us."
Giorgio Gucci, CEO of Alcor Film, adds: "We chose Gaumont for their journey so similar to ours, a Family Business that chooses excellence every day to continue growing. There is a great communion of intent between us."