The investigator is played by Edoardo Leo, and the cast includes: Hassani Shapi, Alice Arcuri,Fausto Maria Sciarappa, Lavinia Longhi,Michele Savoia, Isabella Mottinelli, Tia Architto, Simone Colombari, Stefano Guerrieri, Jonis Bascir.
Luca Travaglia (Edoardo Leo), former chief inspector of anti-terrorism, left the police force following a violent attack that cost the life of his woman. Having relocated to Milan, he works as a bouncer in nightclubs, trying to numb the pain. The wall he has built between himself and life begins to crumble when he crosses paths with Palitha (Hassani Shapi), an enterprising and over-the-top Sri Lankan who drags him into the venture of setting up an unlikely detective agency.
Luca Travaglia (Edoardo Leo), former chief inspector of anti-terrorism, left the police force following a violent attack that cost the life of his woman. Having relocated to Milan, he works as a bouncer in nightclubs, trying to numb the pain. The wall he has built between himself and life begins to crumble when he crosses paths with Palitha (Hassani Shapi), an enterprising and over-the-top Sri Lankan who drags him into the venture of setting up an unlikely detective agency.
The series (6 episodes) is a co-production between Rai Fiction and Italian International Film and directed by Rolando Ravello.
The authors are: Renato Sannio, Ugo Ripamonti, Michele Pellegrini.