CJ ENM announces the debut of a new reality unscripted format, Real or Reel, premiering on its affiliate entertainment channel, tvN. The show challenges audiences to discern reality from staged scenarios in the lives of celebrities who live under the constant spotlight and offers an engaging mix of entertainment and investigation.
The program hosts a series of celebrity guests, whose real or scripted lives are expected to stun both the hosts and the audience. The anticipation over which celebrities will appear and whether they will reveal more of their genuine selves or display incredible acting chops adds a layer of suspense to each episode.
Helmed by the charismatic trio—Jun Hyun-moo, Kyuhyun, and Mimi—the show leverages their extensive experience in reality television to explore nuances between real life and entertainment. Their mission, encapsulated by the show's concept of "Doubt what you see, hear, and think," promises to engage and challenge both the studio audience and viewers at home. This dynamic group's on-screen chemistry is anticipated to add depth and humor to the series.
Real or Reel delves into the lives of celebrities with a twist—viewers must guess whether they are witnessing true reality or elaborate setups. The show features video clips showcasing the day-to-day activities of well-known figures, followed by spirited debates among the hosts and guest panelists over the authenticity of what was shown.