The return of the game show as a tribute to Mike Bongiorno who presented the quiz show in the 80s and 90s with a refreshed version hosted by Gerry Scotti has been a success for Mediaset. Giancarlo Scheri, Head of Canale 5 said:
" The Wheel of Fortune is an homage to a legend, Mike Bongiorno, carried out by the only one capable of replacing him: Gerry Scotti".
The game show, airing throughout the month of May, every day to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Mike Bongiorno's birth, was watched by 3,178,000 total viewers, with a 22.83% audience share and emerged as the leader of the early evening slot among active viewers with a 25.75% share.
" The Wheel of Fortune is an homage to a legend, Mike Bongiorno, carried out by the only one capable of replacing him: Gerry Scotti".
The game show, airing throughout the month of May, every day to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Mike Bongiorno's birth, was watched by 3,178,000 total viewers, with a 22.83% audience share and emerged as the leader of the early evening slot among active viewers with a 25.75% share.
The show reached peaks of almost 4,000,000 viewers.
Scheri also added: "the audience of Mediaset's flagship channel followed with great enthusiasm the return of "Wheel of Fortune": an emotional moment dedicated to a classic in TV history, for which I thank the great Gerry, and the creative and production teams at EndemolShine Italy and Mediaset."