The first episode of the thriller drama (6 episodes) produced by Unicorn Content and Mediaset, has become Telecinco's top premiere of the season, with a 13.9% audience share and an average of 1,3mln viewers, it is also the best premiere of a Spanish production on Telecinco since Entrevía.
The drama is based on the brutal murder of five people that occurred in the summer of 1975 at the Los Galindos estate in Paradas, Seville, a multiple homicide that has since been statute-barred, archived without trial, and shook Spanish society in the final days of Franco's regime.
The series was created by Begoña Álvarez and Ignacio del Moral, with screenplay by Ignacio del Moral and David Planell, and directed by Begoña Álvarez and José Ramón Ayerra.
El Marqués features a stellar cast including José Pastor, Víctor Clavijo, Juan Fernández, Paco Tous, Cinta Ramírez, Oscar de la Fuente, Lara Grube, Joaquín Núñez, and Laura Baena Torres, among others.