TV Audience

Monday, October 14: Rai 1's football match Italia VS Israele leader of the night (34.2%); Grande Fratello (17.4%); Lo Spaesato (3.5%)

Monday, October 14: Rai 1's football match Italia VS Israele leader of the night (34.2%); Grande Fratello (17.4%); Lo Spaesato (3.5%)
Rai 1 football match of Nations League Italia VS Israele 7.346/34.2%
Canale 5 reality show Grande Fratello 2.204/17.4%
Rai 2 entertainment show Lo Spaesato 744k/3.5%
Rai 3 current news Lo Stato delle Cose 730k/4.4%
Real Time Turkish soap opera Hercai - Amore e Vendetta 332k/2%