The story follows Libera Orlando, a Sicilian magistrate who has dedicated her life to justice. Fifteen years after the mysterious death of her daughter Bianca, new evidence emerges, compelling Libera to launch a personal investigation. This quest challenges her deeply held principles and forces her to navigate the fine line between legality and personal justice.
To uncover the truth about her daughter’s death, Libera forms an unlikely partnership with Pietro Zanon, a troubled ex-convict played by Matteo Martari. Together, they become a determined, if unconventional, investigative duo, unraveling the secrets behind the tragedy that haunts Libera’s family.
In addition to Lunetta Savino and Matteo Martari, the cast features: Gioele Dix as Ettore Rizzo, a charming magistrate and Libera’s colleague, who harbors romantic feelings for her. Claudio Bigagli as Davide Moresco, Libera’s ex-husband and a deputy police chief, with whom she shares custody of her granddaughter Clara.
Roberto Citran as Aldo Ferrero, the president of the Criminal Division and Libera’s courtroom rival.
Monica Dugo as Isabella Orlando, Libera’s lively and supportive sister who lives nearby.
Daisy Pieropan as Clara, Libera’s teenage granddaughter, raised like a daughter after Bianca’s death.