The story follows Edmond Dantès, a young sailor whose life is shattered by a conspiracy orchestrated by Gérard Villefort, Danglars, and Fernand, who falsely accuse him of being a Bonapartist conspirator for their selfish gains. Unjustly imprisoned in the Château d'If, Dantès endures years of suffering until he meets Abbé Faria, played by Academy Award winner Jeremy Irons. Faria not only aids his escape but also reveals the existence of a hidden treasure. Armed with newfound wealth and knowledge, Edmond assumes the identity of the enigmatic Count of Monte Cristo, determined to exact relentless revenge on those who betrayed him. “My revenge will match their crime,” declares Dantès as he embarks on his journey of retribution.
The series stars Sam Claflin as Edmond Dantès/The Count of Monte Cristo, Mikkel Boe Følsgaard as Gérard Villefort, Ana Girardot as Mercedes, Blake Ritson as Danglars, Karla-Simone Spence as Haydée, and Lino Guanciale as Vampa/The Count of Spada. The ensemble cast also includes Michele Riondino (Jacopo), Gabriella Pession (Hermine Danglars), Harry Taurasi (Fernand), Poppy Corby-Tuech (Héloïse), Nicolas Maupas (Albert), Amaryllis August (Valentine), Jason Barnett (Caderousse), and Jeremy Irons as Abbé Faria.
After its debut at the Rome Film Festival, this Italian-French event series, adapted from one of the most celebrated works of world literature, promises to captivate audiences with its themes of intrigue, conspiracy, love, vengeance, and hope. Il Conte di Montecristo is a fresh and compelling adaptation of Alexandre Dumas’ masterpiece, showcasing the enduring power of this iconic story.