Blending animated reenactments with expert commentary from psychotherapists, historians, and activists, the series bridges history with modern understandings of mental health and neurodiversity. Produced by TIWI with a Green Film certification, it invites viewers to challenge prejudices still prevalent today. By intertwining historical narratives, expert insights, and psychiatric research, The Ship of Fools: Beyond Reason offers a fresh perspective on misunderstood historical figures:Nerone, Camille Claudel, Robert Schumann, Madeleine Pelletier, Cesare Lombroso e Lev Tolstoj, Giovanna di Castiglia.
The series combines compelling storytelling with animated reenactments, merging digital illustrations and analog projections to create a visually immersive experience.
Also, it features commentary from renowned experts, including: Michele Mezzanotte, psychotherapist and science communicator, Cathy La Torre, activist and lawyer,Paolo Mazzarello, medical historian, Francesca Cavallini, psychologist and founder of TICE, Gaspare Palmieri, psychiatrist and psychotherapist.
Also, it features commentary from renowned experts, including: Michele Mezzanotte, psychotherapist and science communicator, Cathy La Torre, activist and lawyer,Paolo Mazzarello, medical historian, Francesca Cavallini, psychologist and founder of TICE, Gaspare Palmieri, psychiatrist and psychotherapist.