TV Audience

Fri, Mar 7, 2025: The Voice Senior (23.3%) dominates the night; drama Le Onde del Passato (13.5%); premiere for MasterChef in free-to-air (2.6%)

Fri, Mar 7, 2025: The Voice Senior (23.3%) dominates the night; drama Le Onde del Passato (13.5%); premiere for MasterChef in free-to-air (2.6%)
Rai 1 talent show The Voice Senior S5 3.723/23.3% 
Canale 5 drama series Le Onde del Passato 2.270/13.5% 
Rai 3 talk show FarWest 616k/3.78% 
TV8 cooking show MasterChef Italia S14 (Premiere in free-to-air) 390k/2.6%
NOVE one man show Fratelli di Crozza S9 948k/5.1% 
Real Time cooking show Il Forno delle Meraviglie S2 230k/1.2%
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