
Italian Entertainment's business volume around 340mln euro

According to the last report — Audiovisual production: a report from CeRTA — Centro di Ricerca sulla Televisione e gli Audiovisivi | April 2020 the Italian entertainment business is around 340mln euro.

The impact of internationalization that has stirred the production of scripted series is still limited within the unscripted and entertainment areas: as for formats, Italy is considered an «important country» and a «sleeping giant».

The impact of technological innovations and the market evolution (i.e. the abundance of platforms and channels and the progressive fragmentation of consumption) has increased the demand for entertainment content (+15% compared to the last survey).

The impact of the supply differentiation (premium generalist channels, non-premium generalist multichannels, thematic multichannels, free & pay, and more) has boosted the role of independent productions, although still limited (+2% volume of hours compared to the last survey).

Summary: Entertainment A Figure Multiplied by Four

Economic value for the independent production area and its spin-off sectors: unscripted products have a value between 310 and 340 million Euros.*
Value for the TV programming and the offer: entertainment is mainly scheduled in prime time (33% of the titles is scheduled in prime time) and in premium time slots, and contributes substantially to the popularity of the titles, as measured by the additional ratings of the network’s average performance .
Convergent value: entertainment is the most exploitable genre «beyond television», thanks to its consumption on digital devices often presented in a «short form» and in a different bundle, today measured by the Total Digital Audience.
Innovative value: Italian television is still very cautious when coming to experimenting new content. In spite of this, 1/3 of the entertainment programs (35%) this season were new products.