
Sick Love - The Angels of the Death to premiere on Crime + Investigation

 Sick Love - The Angels of the Death to premiere on Crime + Investigation
Crime + Investigation will broadcast on Tuesday, August 31 at 22.00 the documentary  Sick Love - The Angels of the Death of Saronno based on the real storiy of two
clandestine lovers - Leonardo Cazzaniga, anesthetist, and Laura Taroni, nurse - and the mysterious deaths that took place at the Saronno hospital, in which they used to work.

The documentary reconstructs the story from a sentimental and judicial point of view with unpublished documents, videos and the voices of some protagonists such as Jessica Piras, former colleague of Cazzaniga and Taroni, and the Major of the Carabinieri Giuseppe Regina, who conducted the investigations.

The investigation, called "Angels and Demons", starts from the Busto Arsizio Public Prosecutor's Office in 2014: a nurse accuses Cazzaniga of having deliberately administered the so-called 'Cazzaniga protocol' to many patients, a lethal mix of drugs capable of killing in a few minutes .

The documentary is produced by Stand by me for A + E Networks Italia. Produced by Simona Ercolani.