The show created by Maria De Filippi is a long-running show that the show began in 2001 and has since aired annually. The show is produced by Fascino P.G.T. s.r.l. (owned by Maria De Filippi). The judges are: singer Stash of the boy band The Kolors, dancer and TV host Stefano De Martino and Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia. The teams are guided by professors-duo (dance-sing): Celentano-Zerbi, Todaro-Cuccarini, Peparini-Pettinelli.
Amici is an academy school involving a class of about 20 youth students (16-30 age), who aspire to become professional singers, songwriters and dancers (classical, modern, jazz and hip-hop). Additional original categories of "actors", "musicians" and "TV presenters" have since been dropped after 2009.