
The Riviera International Film Festival closed successfully

The Riviera International Film Festival closed successfully
The Hungarian "Wild Roots" by director Hajni Kis is the triumphant film of the Riviera International Film Festival 2022, winner of best feature film and best actor , former wrestler Gusztáv Dietz, in his first experience in front of the camera. The success of "Wild Roots" follows that of another Hungarian film, "As far as I know" by Nandor Lorincz and Balint Nagy, which came out last year.

Move than 5,000 tickets were sold to attend the three masterclasses, the thirteen talks, the ten films and as many documentaries in competition, the nine films out of competition and to see up close the sixteen great international guests who flocked to Sestri Levante in these six days, for an edition that marks the definitive leap in quality and the consolidation of the Riviera International Film Festival in the panorama of Italian film festivals.

Full List of the Winners:


Miglior film: "Wild Roots" di Hajni Kis (Ungheria/Slovacchia).

Miglior attrice: Mia Giraud e Antonija Belazelkoska (“Sisterhood”).

Miglior attore: Gusztáv Dietz (“Wild Roots”)

Miglior regista: Lena Lanskih (“Unwanted”).

Menzione speciale: "Unwanted" di Lena Lanskih (Russia).

Audience Award: "Wild Roots" di Hajni Kis (Ungheria/Slovacchia).

Students Award: "The Braves" di Anaïs Volpé (Francia).


Miglior documentario: “Amuka" di Antonio Spanò (Belgio)

Sky Nature Award: "Ride the Wave" di Martyn Robertson (Regno Unito).

Menzione speciale: "Dead Sea Guardians" di Ido Glass, Yoav Kleinman (Israele)


Human Star Award: Rula Jebral.

Planet Star Award: Andy Lipkis.

Icon Award: Casey Affleck e Joan Bergin.

Career Award: Alessandro Gassman