Produced by Blackfella Films, the six-part series also stars an enviable supporting cast led by Rob Collins with Wayne Blair, Anthony Hayes, Wesley Patten, Steph Tisdell, Daniela Farinacci, Lisa Flanagan, Benedict Hardie, Anita Hegh, Huw Higginson and Trisha Morton-Thomas all reprising their roles.
Joining this ensemble of actors are Catherine McClements, Fayssal Bazzi, Josef Ber, Lisa Hensley, Rosie Lourde, Maya Stange and Ursula Yovich.
Deborah Mailman says “I can’t wait to step back into the character of Alex Irving one last time. It’s personally been a wonderful journey over the last two seasons to play such a gutsy, smart and unapologetic woman and I especially cannot wait to be with my Total Control family again. I hope audiences will enjoy the ride.”
Rachel Griffiths adds “There is nothing as sad and also as exciting as shooting a final season of a show you have created a family with. The chance to take our characters to a final satisfying point of their journey while also reflecting on the huge changes in our country’s political life is going to be fantastic . Total Control was ground-breaking in reflecting the operating environment for women in politics in this country. That conversation has caught up, but we are only beginning to understand the weight that First Nations people in public life carry and the discourse they are subjected to. I have been so privileged to be a part of this internationally-awarded show and can't wait for audiences to embrace its final season.”
With sizzling scripts, thanks to the talented team of writers: Stuart Page, Julia Moriarty, Pip Karmel and Meyne Wyatt, season three picks up almost two years after the explosive events of the second season.
Outsider turned kingmaker, Alex Irving (Deborah Mailman), is completely at home in the nation’s capital. While Rachel Anderson (Rachel Griffiths), now an occasional ally, is threatening to upend the entire system by establishing her own political party. However, as Alex attempts to carve out a nation changing legacy, a controversy engineered by her enemies threatens to destroy her career and public reputation. In our final season, Alex must make a choice: either she can stay true to her principles and accept defeat, or she can get her hands dirty and fight back.
Directed by Wayne Blair and Jub Clerc, Total Control will film in Canberra, the regional NSW town of Trangie and Sydney over the next three months. Season three will premiere on ABC and ABC iview in 2024.
Production credit: A Blackfella Films production. Major production investment from the ABC and Screen Australia. Financed with support from Screen NSW with Screen ACT and VicScreen. Producers Darren Dale and Erin Bretherton. Executive Producers Rachel Griffiths and Stuart Page. ABC Executive Producers Sally Riley and Kelrick Martin. International Distributor is All3Media International.