Produced by Sky Studios, the comedy series takes us on a plunge into 1960s London to chronicle the television industry of that time. Written by award-winning Morwenna Banks (Slow Horses) and directed by Oliver Parker (An Ideal Husband), the series will be available on Sky and streaming on NOW from Friday, June 2.
Barbara Parker is a beauty queen, newly crowned Miss Blackpool, but she longs for something more. In the late 1960s, she moves to London to find herself and embark on a mission: to enter the then heavily male-dominated world of comedy and become a star. But the London she encounters is not as welcoming and light as the one she had read about and seen on TV. With great effort and a long series of setbacks, Barbara succeeds and auditions for a TV comedy show. Her talent, spontaneity, and impetuosity shock the show's writers, who decide to bet on her by making her the star of a revolutionary new sitcom that will impact British comedy for decades to come.
The Sky Original series explores the world of London show business with great irony, chronicling the difficulties women in the 1960s had to face in order to be respected and appreciated in environments that were still predominantly male-dominated - hierarchies and systems that great women like Barbara Parker managed to shake up and upset.
Along with Gemma Arterton, the cast includes Tom Bateman (Murder on the Orient Express), Arsher Ali (The Fear Index), Rupert Everett (My Best Friend's Wedding), and Alexa Davies (Mamma Mia! Here we go again).
Barbara Parker is a beauty queen, newly crowned Miss Blackpool, but she longs for something more. In the late 1960s, she moves to London to find herself and embark on a mission: to enter the then heavily male-dominated world of comedy and become a star. But the London she encounters is not as welcoming and light as the one she had read about and seen on TV. With great effort and a long series of setbacks, Barbara succeeds and auditions for a TV comedy show. Her talent, spontaneity, and impetuosity shock the show's writers, who decide to bet on her by making her the star of a revolutionary new sitcom that will impact British comedy for decades to come.
The Sky Original series explores the world of London show business with great irony, chronicling the difficulties women in the 1960s had to face in order to be respected and appreciated in environments that were still predominantly male-dominated - hierarchies and systems that great women like Barbara Parker managed to shake up and upset.
Along with Gemma Arterton, the cast includes Tom Bateman (Murder on the Orient Express), Arsher Ali (The Fear Index), Rupert Everett (My Best Friend's Wedding), and Alexa Davies (Mamma Mia! Here we go again).