Sky Originals and Fabula Pictures produced the thriller drama series Un’Estate Fa that tells the story of Elio (played by Lino Guanciale), a 50yo lawyer, husband and father who seems to have a perfect life, until the body of the girl he was in love with as a teenager, Arianna, is found, causing memories about that summer 1990 to resurface, when she mysteriously disappeared during a camping trip between friends. After the disappearance of Arianna, Elio was found in a confused state, with no memory of the events. Past and present start to alternate in his mind.
When Arianna's body is found, the police are certain she was killed, and Elio is the prime suspect. Shaken by the news, Elio has a car accident. He passes out and when he wakes up he is in 1990, in the infirmary of the campsite. He is 18 again, but with the mind of an adult... is this a dream? Is he recovering his memories, or losing his mind? All that he knows is, in a few days, someone will kill Arianna. He fells the emergency to do something, but his mind keeps bouncing between the present and 1990. He seeks to find out what really happened to Arianna and to prove his innocence, but also hopes to be able to change the course of events and save her...
8 episodes directed by Davide Marengo (Il Cacciatore, Boris 3) and Marta Savina (Summertime 2). The series will be aired on Sky/NOW starting from October 6, 2023. Starring Lino Guanciale in the main role, Filippo Scotti, Claudia Pandolfi, Martina Gatti, Nicole Grimaudo, Paolo Pierobon, Massimo Dapporto.