Created by Deborah Davis, the new 8 x 60’ series of Marie Antoinette continues the extraordinary story of the incredibly modern and avant-garde young queen, played by Emilia Schüle (Ku’damm 56/ 63), with Louis Cunningham (Bridgerton) as the king of France, Louis XVI.
At the height of their power, while Marie Antoinette and Louis face an unprecedented financial crisis, the incessant attacks of Provence and Chartres against the royal couple stir up the hatred of the nobles while disastrous consequences are looming with infamous Affair of the Diamond Necklace incident. From Versailles to the Palais-
Royal, the revolt rumbles…
Marie Antoinette’s first series has been sold to broadcasters in more than 147 territories, including PBS Distribution in the US, BBC First in Australia and BBC Two and iPlayer in the UK, and a raft of broadcasters across Europe and Latin America.