As Global Agency has secured the international sales rights to Turkish drama series produced by TIMS&B Productions for free-to-air network Fox, Pinto introduced the leading cast and the production line including the director the series: Burak Deniz (The Ignorant Angels), Hande Erçel (Love is in the Air) discussed about their role in this new psychological thriller. A quite unsual story for a Turkish series as it tells the story of an anchorman and a prosecutor hunting a mysterious serial killer.
The first episode of Another Love was the most watched series in Turkey in the commercial demographic group on the day it aired. The second episode was the most watched series across all demographic groups on the day it aired.
Izzet Pinto, founder & CEO of Global Agency, said: " each series produced by TIMS&B is a guarantee of success for the quality and high production value and I am very proud to be the exclusive distributor of this big budget series.
Izzet Pinto, founder & CEO of Global Agency, said: " each series produced by TIMS&B is a guarantee of success for the quality and high production value and I am very proud to be the exclusive distributor of this big budget series.
The two actors attended also a special evening gala on the same day.