The series hosted by Valeria Ros is an irreverent and fun format in which a group of puppets talk about sex with the voices of famous guests that will read and voice erotic scripts written by fans of those celebrities, which will be interpreted in turn by the puppets themselves.
Former basketball player Fernando Romay and Samantha Hudson will be the protagonists of the first two episodes. They will be joined in the following episodes by Edu Soto, Henar Álvarez, Estrella Xtravaganza, Ricky Merino, Victoria Martín, El Sevilla, and Gakian. All of them will be the famous guests invited to participate in this particular reading club presided over by Valeria Ros.
In this format, the protagonists themselves will be the ones to read for the first time and give voice to the recreation of the erotic stories elaborated by their fans, in a scene made with the puppets.
The guests will reveal their spiciest and most unknown side in a very natural conversation about their sex life, leaving aside taboos.
The original format in six episodes is produced by Flooxer in collaboration with Cuarzo Producciones.