The story is focused on the life of Franco Califano, from La Dolce Vita to the mid-1980s: the success, fall, fears and artistic resurrection of one of the most important and unforgettable Italian singer-songwriters.
The movie is based on the novel 'Senza manette' (Without Handcuffs) written by Franco Califano and TV journalist Pierluigi Diaco. The main role is played by Leo Gassmann.
Califano is directed by Alessandro Angelini and written by Isabella Aguilar and Guido Iuculano. Produced by Greenboo Production in collaboration with Rai Fiction
The movie is based on the novel 'Senza manette' (Without Handcuffs) written by Franco Califano and TV journalist Pierluigi Diaco. The main role is played by Leo Gassmann.
Califano is directed by Alessandro Angelini and written by Isabella Aguilar and Guido Iuculano. Produced by Greenboo Production in collaboration with Rai Fiction