Based on the eponymous book by Luca Trapanese, "Nata per te" is inspired by the true story of Luca, a single, gay, Catholic man who fought a long legal battle to obtain the custody of Alba, a newborn with Down syndrome abandoned in the hospital immediately after birth. Directed by Fabio Mollo, it's a moving story of love and fatherhood, focusing on the frenzied struggle of a man who desperately wants to be a father. In the cast, alongside Pierluigi Gigante as Luca, we find Teresa Saponangelo, Barbora Bobulova, Antonia Truppo, and Iaia Forte.
The film is a Cattleya and Bartlebyfilm production, in collaboration with Vision Distribution, Ministry of Culture, General Directorate of Audiovisual Cinema, in collaboration with Sky, with the contribution of the Campania Region and the Campania Film Commission.