Channel 4 has secured the UK rights to broadcast After The Party, a gripping six-part drama produced by Lingo Pictures set in Aotearoa/New Zealand. The series follows Penny Wilding, played by Robyn Malcolm, who loses everything after accusing her husband, Phil, portrayed by Peter Mullan, of a sex crime against her daughter's teenage friend. Despite her efforts, no one believes her, leading to a rupture in her relationships and reputation. As Penny's ex-husband returns to town, she faces pressure to move on, forcing her to confront past traumas and decide between truth and reconciliation.
Produced by award-winning producers Lingo Pictures and Luminous Beast, After The Party was originally commissioned by TVNZ in New Zealand. Channel 4's Head of Acquisitions, Polly Scates and Helen Bowden, the producer, espressed great satisfaction for "an authentic drama series".
The series, lauded for its compelling narrative and stellar performances, received critical acclaim in Aotearoa/New Zealand, with The Spinoff dubbing it "NZ's best TV drama in years" and The Post praising it as "A solid, gripping drama worthy of your time." "After The Party" will soon be available for streaming and live viewing on Channel 4, promising audiences a riveting and thought-provoking experience.