This commission marks the sixth adaptation of the show, originally conceived by Banijay UK's label, Remarkable Entertainment. Starstruck initially premiered in the UK, where it aired for two successful seasons on ITV and ITVX. Since then, it has been adapted in various countries including Chile, Bulgaria, and Denmark, where it consistently dominated its time slot across all demographics.
In Starstruck, a trio of ordinary individuals with extraordinary talent takes center stage. They transform into some of the world's most iconic music legends, performing live to compete against rival groups. With only one spot available in the grand finale, the winning trio must battle it out amongst themselves for a chance to secure the life-changing cash prize.
In Starstruck, a trio of ordinary individuals with extraordinary talent takes center stage. They transform into some of the world's most iconic music legends, performing live to compete against rival groups. With only one spot available in the grand finale, the winning trio must battle it out amongst themselves for a chance to secure the life-changing cash prize.