TOP TEN in Italy from April 14 to 20, 2024
1° Football match of Europa League #Roma Milan (Rai 1) 4.920 / 23.8% on Thu 18/04
2° Football match of Champions League #Barcellona PSG (Can 5) 4.364 / 20.7% on Tue 16/04
3° Talent #Amici (Can 5) 3.834 / 25.7% on Sat 20/04
4° Talent #The Voice Generations (Last episode on Rai 1)3.514 / 21% on Fri 19/04
5° Drama #Il Clandestino (Rai 1) 3.304 / 18.2% on Mon 15/04
6° Musical variety #I Migliori Anni (Rai 1) 3.064 / 18.2% on Sat 20/04
7° Turkish soap opera #Terra Amara (Can 5) 2.854 / 16.2% on Fri 19/04
8° Detective drama #Vanina Guarrasi (Last episode on Can 5) 2.676 / 16.9% on Wed 17/04
9° Movie #The Miracle Club (Rai 1) 2.668 / 13.6% on Tue 16/04
10° Detective drama #Makari (Rerun episode on Rai 1) 2.394 / 14.9% on Sun 14/04