"Comedy Match" is NOVE's newest comedy show, presenting an unprecedented improvisation challenge between two teams of comedians, hosted by Katia Follesa. Premiering on April 25th at 9:25pm, the show is available in advance starting from April 18th on the streaming platform discovery+. Produced by Banijay Italia for Warner Bros. Discovery, it's written by Graziano Cutrona, Luciano Federico, Alessandro Mannucci, Ennio Meloni, Alessio Parenti, and Romina Ronchi, and directed by Rinaldo Gaspari.
Competing for victory are two teams of comedians, each led by an outstanding captain and comprised of four comedians. Throughout the episodes, captains Maria Di Biase, Paola Minaccioni, Debora Villa, and Marta Zoboli will take turns leading their respective teams. The lineup of comedians alternating to form the teams includes Andrea Pisani, Angelo Pisani, Scintilla, Carlo Amleto, Federico Basso, Gianluca De Angelis, Francesco Pannofino, Luca Peracino, and Gigi Rock.
The challenge unfolds through a series of rounds, varying in duration and themes, covering categories such as sitcom, music, television, duel, dance, cinema, social, and interview.
At the conclusion of each round, the studio audience casts their votes for their preferred team, contributing a point to the total score. The climax arrives with the Comedy Battle, the ultimate round of the show, offering 3 points and the potential to alter the overall outcome. The team with the highest score at the end will be crowned the winner.