on Rai 1 the mini-series dedicated to Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of the wireless telegraph, Rai 2 launched the entertainment show Da vicino nessuno è normale (tr.Up Close Nobody Is Normal), hosted by Alessandro Cattelan, a people show produced by Rai-Entertainment Prime Time and Fremantle Italy, with comedic monologues to hidden camera pranks, from social experiments to audience participation games.
And finally, Mediaset's flagship launched the spin-off of Io Canto Generation, titled Io Canto Family hosted by Michelle Hunziker.
Rai 1 won the slot with 3.4mln viewers adn 19,42% share, while Da Vicino nessuno è normale achieved only 912k viewers with an audience share of 5.5% and Io Canto Family reached a good 2.4mln viewers with an audience share of 16.93%.