
Conecta Fiction & Entertainment 2024: A Look into the Future of TV in Ibero-America

 Conecta Fiction & Entertainment 2024: A Look into the Future of TV in Ibero-America
Conecta Fiction & Entertainment kicked off its eighth edition yesterday, running until June 21 in Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. The event aims to maintain its position as one of the top 10 international markets in the industry, with a focus on the creation, development, production, financing, broadcasting, marketing, and commercialization of television content. This year, the Ibero-American market remains central, with Portugal and Brazil as the focus countries.

Since its first edition in 2017, the market has grown by leaps and bounds. "In this edition, we expect over 3,300 professionals from more than 40 countries to talk, discover, learn, exchange ideas, develop relationships, and close deals that foster long-term collaborations in the audiovisual sector," said Géraldine Gonard, the event's General Director.

It is a highly relevant market, especially during one of the best moments for the audiovisual sector in Spain, which has been boosted since the launch of the European Audiovisual Hub in 2021, aimed at propelling the sector amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The outstanding results of this initiative have led to enormous demand for Spanish narratives in international markets.

Over these three days, CF&E presents the key tools and strategies needed to position oneself in a competitive market that embraces technology, providing valuable insights and unique opportunities for all industry professionals. The event revolves around four main themes: entertainment marketing, business models and financing, transmedia IP, and new forms of digital creation. In the latter field, the influence of AI as an emerging tool in the sector will be discussed, as has been happening in other markets.

Among the main events held during the first day of Conecta, there was the classic breakfast organized by ICEX-Invest In Spain, followed by the first market conferences: the trends session moderated by OMDIA and María Rua Aguete; the session on YouTube Brazil, with Phillipe Carrasco representing the company, among others. 