TV Audience

Monday, October 21: Big debut for the miniseries dedicated to Mike Bongiorno (19.5%); GF (18.2%); debut for dating Se mi lasci non vale (1.8%) and comedy show GialappaShow (4.4%)

Monday, October 21: Big debut for the miniseries dedicated to Mike Bongiorno (19.5%); GF (18.2%); debut for dating Se mi lasci non vale (1.8%) and comedy show GialappaShow (4.4%)
Rai 1 miniseries Mike 3.400/19.5% (Premiere)
Canale 5 reality show Grande Fratello 2.268/18.2%
Rai 2 dating show Se mi lasci non vale 321k/1.8% (Premiere)
Rai 3 current news Lo Stato delle Cose 719k/4.4%
TV8 comedy show Gialappa Show 821k/4.8% (Premiere of S4)
