TV Audience

Sat, Jan 4: Can 5's music event of Italian band Pooh (19.8%) won pt slot; Rai 1's event Circo di Montecarlo (17.2%)

Sat, Jan 4: Can 5's music event of Italian band Pooh (19.8%) won pt slot; Rai 1's event Circo di Montecarlo (17.2%)
Rai 1 event Festival Internazionale del Circo di Montecarlo 2.611/17.2% +7k 2.618/17.2% (Last episode)
Canale 5 music event Pooh - Noi Amici per Sempre 2.739/19.7% +8k 2.747/19.8%
Rai 3 documentary Quinta Dimensione - Il Futuro è già qui 853k/4.9% +3k 856k/5%

* Starting December 30, Auditel has introduced a new "Total Audience" standard for data measurement. This figure includes all live and on-demand streaming views within the same Auditel day (which ends at 1:59 AM).
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