The Board of Directors of Rai, meeting today in Rome and chaired by Antonio Marano as the senior advisor, has given a majority approval to the appointments proposed by CEO Giampaolo Rossi. Pierluca Terzulli has been confirmed as the head of Tg3 (after serving in an interim capacity), as has Roberto Pacchetti at Tgr. Paolo Petrecca has been appointed as the head of RaiSport, leaving his role at RaiNews, which will now be led by the newly appointed Federico Zurzolo, formerly the deputy director of the In-Depth Journalism Department.
The Board has approved the update of the macro-organizational structure, introducing the Coordination of Genres Department, which will be assigned to Stefano Coletta. He will be replaced in the Distribution Department by Maurizio Imbriale, who previously served as Director of Digital and Transmedia Content. In the genre-based departments, Marcello Ciannamea will leave his role as Director of Prime Time Entertainment, which will be taken over by Williams Di Liberatore, while Ciannamea will become Director of Digital and Transmedia Content. Fabrizio Zappi will leave his position as Head of Rai Documentaries to take on the role of Director of Culture and Educational Programming. Luigi Del Plavignano, formerly deputy director, has been appointed as the new head of Rai Documentaries. Roberto Genovesi, previously director of Rai Libri, will assume leadership of Rai Kids, replacing Luca Milano, who is set to retire. Maria Rita Grieco, who is leaving her position as deputy director of Tg1, has been appointed Director of Rai’s International Offerings, replacing Fabrizio Ferragni, who has retired.
The CEO also informed the Board that Marco Caputo has been selected as the new head of Rai Radio.
During the meeting, the CEO presented the results of the referendum consultation among Rai employees, which saw a participation rate of over 75%, with nearly 80% voting in favor. The renewal of the Collective Labor Agreement, signed between the company and trade unions, represents an important step toward cohesion and a necessary transition for Rai’s transformation into a modern Digital Media Company, as outlined in the Service Agreement.
Regarding the staffing of journalistic departments, in light of the ongoing incentive measures, the CEO informed the Board that evaluations and considerations are underway for the stabilization of freelance personnel. These initiatives will need to be discussed and reviewed with the trade unions.
Finally, the CEO updated the Board on legal disputes and the public tender for the Sanremo Festival.