TV Audience

Sun, Mar 23, 2025: Nations League's leader of the night with over 7m-34.2%; Turkish drama Tradimento performed well (13.2%)

Sun, Mar 23, 2025: Nations League's leader of the night with over 7m-34.2%; Turkish drama Tradimento performed well (13.2%)
Rai 1 football match of Nations League Germania VS Italia 7.107/34.2% 
Canale 5 Turkish drama series Tradimento 2.234/13.2%
Rai 3 current news Presadiretta S32 1.254/6.2% 
Italia 1 talk show Le Iene S38 1.331/9.6%
NOVE talk show Che Tempo Che Fa S22 2.105/9.6% + 996k/9.2%
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