Acclaimed thriller Blinded (also known as Fartblinda in Swedish) has been commissioned for a second season. The drama which stars Julia Ragnarsson and Matias Varela will begin filming in 2021, with the premiere planned on C More in 2022.
The first season was based on Carolina Neurath’s book of the same name, and premiered in the autumn of 2019, with a fantastic reception from both viewers and critics. It also received three Kristallen Award nominations: Best Drama, Best Actor/Matias Varela and Best Actress/Julia Ragnarsson.
David Swetman, SVP Scripted Content at All3Media International, the global partner of Blinded with FLX said “After the international success of Blinded series one, we’re delighted to be partnering with FLX again on the second series, another eight episodes of gripping, high-stakes drama that reflects All3Media International’s ambition to work with the best producers around the world and deliver top quality drama to our global buyers”.
Lisa Dahlberg, Executive Producer of FLX of Blinded said “We’ll finally get to see investigative journalist Bea once again in search of the truth! There are lots of us who are excited and looking forward to following her complicated relationship with financier Peder. Julia Ragnarsson and Matias Varela are great actors and play their characters brilliantly. Blinded has everything you could want from a really good series: power, money, passion and dark secrets,” says.
The stakes are raised in the second season of Blinded. Bea Farkas has been successful with her newly published book and travels to Malta to investigate a loan company on behalf of the newspaper Dagbladet. There she meets Peder Rooth, who has served his prison sentence and now provides the same loan company with illegal personal data. This season is based on Carolina Neurath’s follow-up novel, Gränslösa.
The Principal Director of Blinded is Jens Jonsson, alongside Episode Director Johan Lundin. The script has been written by Jens Jonsson together with Erik Hultkvist, Inger Scharis, Charlotte Lesche and Maria Nygren. The series is based on Carolina Neurath’s series of books about journalist Bea Farkas. Blinded season 2 is produced by Jan Marnell/FLX for C More and TV4. All3Media International will distribute Blinded season 2 internationally.