The series is produced by Sky and Marco Belardi for Lotus Production (a Leone Film Group company), the fiction tells the story of little Alfredo Rampi, who fell into an artesian well in June 1981. A hard stone left in the heart of an entire country, a trauma collective that this series wants to tell animated by the hope of helping to elaborate and overcome it. A painful event that belongs to the historical memory of Italy and from which, however, something precious arose: the story of Alfredino gave in fact a decisive impulse to the establishment of the Civil Protection as we know it today, and thanks to the determination of Franca Rampi the Alfredo Rampi Center was created, with the aim of preventing others from suffering what they suffered. The four episodes of the fiction are directed by Marco Pontecorvo (“Nero a mezzo”, “Ragion di Stato”, «L’oro di Scampia») and scripted by Barbara Petronio – also creative producer – and Francesco Balletta.