Significant Others is created by Tommy Murphy and is produced by Matt Reeder (Heart & Bones). Executive Producers Chris Oliver-Taylor (Glitch) and Justin Davies (Beautiful People), are joined by Louise Smith and Sally Riley. The series has major investment from Screen Australia in association with the ABC and financed with support from Screen NSW.
Tommy Murphy [in pic], creator and writer, said: “Significant Others is a character-driven series with an undertow of intrigue. It follows a family tearing each other apart over a missing loved-one. It is equally about how they put themselves back together. I am thrilled to be working with such an experienced, brilliant team on this story.”
Working alongside Tommy Murphy are highly respected writers including: Sue Smith (Brides of Christ, Saving Mr Banks), Louise Fox (Glitch, Broadchurch), Niki Aken (The Hunting), Blake Ayshford (Mystery Road) and Vonne Patiag (The Unusual Suspects).
Executive producers, Chris Oliver-Taylor, CEO Asia Pacific Fremantle and Justin Davies, said: “Significant Others is a triumphant, edge of your seat series full of intrigue and suspense about a very contemporary family scrambling to rebuild from catastrophe. Beautifully crafted by Tommy Murphy, we are excited to work with our broadcast partner in Australia, the ABC and Fremantle International to see the series come to life in 2022.”
ABC Head of Drama, Comedy & Indigenous Sally Riley says: “It is our absolute pleasure to be working with Tommy Murphy on this captivating drama that provides surprising insights into grief, family and loss. We are proud to be uniting with our production partners to bring Significant Others to ABC audiences next year.”
Screen Australia’s Head of Content Sally Caplan said: “It is our absolute pleasure to be working with Tommy Murphy on this captivating drama that provides surprising and often sideways insights into grief, family and loss. We are proud to be uniting with our production partners to bring Significant Others to ABC audiences next year.