The movie is directed by Claudio Amendola (Nero a metà), written by Francesco Neri and Claudio Amendola. The story is focused on a family who runs the funeral home business. After the death of the head of the family Giuseppe (Edoardo Leo), a man dedicated to make money , the family business passed into the hands of his sons Giovanni (Massimo Ghini), Maria (Lucia Ocone), Marco (Gian Marco Tognazzi) and Matteo (Alessandro Sperduti).
Giovanni inherited from his father a pathological avarice that guides his every choice; Maria has a strong compulsion to take all widowers she meets to bed; Marco is a magician of thanatoesthetics (read: he makes up corpses); Matteo wants to become an influencer and his contribution to the family business is based on a bad taste in the management of social communication.