Beta Film, a leading European independent film & television group, hosted the second night of NEM Dubrovnik. Well-known for premiering the most exciting new series, NEM Dubrovnik 2022 brought the new Ukrainian period drama Cardamom Coffee, based on a bestselling book by Natalia Hurnytska. Veronika Kovacova (EVP International Sales & Acquisitions Eastern Europe and Turkey, Beta Film) introduced it to the audience along with Asia Bataieva (Head of International Sales and Co-Productions, StarLight Media Group) and the main actress and producer of the series, Olena Lavrenyuk: “I’m thrilled that the world will be able to see how beautiful our culture is with the help of this series.”
When asked how the Ukrainian premiere was received, Bataieva shared: “The premiere was great, we reached out to 7.4 million people, especially the first and last episode which were emotionally intense.”
Visitors watched the series in an impressive Vala Beach Club and then commented on it together while enjoying snacks and cocktails.
After screening, the fabulous Beta Night continued with dancing and socializing at one of the most beautiful locations in Hotel Dubrovnik Palace.