
Tourism Ireland Announces Applications for International Programming Ireland Fund

Tourism Ireland Announces Applications for  International Programming Ireland Fund
Tourism Ireland has revealed details for applications for its 2023 International Programming Ireland Fund, now in its third year. Producers of high-quality international programming that feature or are made on the island of Ireland are being invited to submit proposals for evaluation by 17th March 2023 with a view to securing part funding for the successful applications.

The fund is designed to attract and support new, original, innovative and commercially viable programming that can potentially be completed by December 2023. Genres with a destination focus (including documentary, factual entertainment, cultural and specialist factual) as well as sustainable themes in social, economic as well as environmental sustainability are welcome to apply. Other reality genres such as adventure are welcome, provided they meet the brief.

Targeted at the UK, US and Europe as key markets in 2023, projects with a confirmed European broadcaster attached are of particular interest particularly in Germany, France, but also, Spain, Italy, The Netherlands and The Nordics. Projects that are at a sufficiently advanced stage of development will be considered ahead of the March deadline, if they meet the criteria.

The funding is awarded to producers through a competitive selection process of projects that are at a sufficiently advanced stage of development and fulfilling the dual function of showcasing the island of Ireland, as well as fully satisfying a given broadcaster brief.

Yvonne Pilkington, former format sales and production chief at NBCU International Studios has been appointed to the role of overseeing this year’s fund management and pre-selection.

A total of €1,386,000 has been allocated for 2023, with Tourism Ireland expecting to invest in 10-12 projects which have already secured international broadcaster and/or distributor support. Funding will be allocated to a varying level according to the project, with Tourism Ireland’s investment capped at €200,000 per project and up to 50% of the production budget.

The online application form can be accessed HERE

The application deadline is 3pm on Friday 17th of March 2023. Please email with any enquiries.