The story of Ferruccio Lamborghini, visionary genius and founder of the eponymous car company, brings a full cast of International actors: Frank Grillo (Captain America: Civil War), Mira Sorvino (Oscar® winner for The Goddess of Love) and Gabriel Byrne (Golden Globe for In Treatment). The cast also includes Italian actors among many others, Romano Reggiani, Fortunato Cerlino and rapper Clementino.
Loosely based on the book "Ferruccio Lamborghini, la Storia Ufficiale", written by his son Tonino and published in 2016 by Minerva Edizioni, Lamborghini - The man behind the legend is produced by Lambo Film, with executive production by ILBE - Iervolino & Lady Bacardi Entertainment (producers Andrea Iervolino and Monika Bacardi) and Notorious Pictures in collaboration with Prime Video.