Rai1 to premiere on February 13 the thriller-drama series Fiori sopra l'Inferno - I casi di Teresa Battaglia, based on the novel by Ilaria Tuti. The series is directed by Carlo Carlei, co-produced by Rai Fiction and Publispei, the production company led by Verdiana Bixio
"Fiori sopra l'inferno" is a thriller set in Travenì, a small village in the Friulian Dolomites, starring Police Commissioner Teresa Battaglia, who moves to the little community be the mountains with her teams and family.
The cast includes Elena Sofia Ricci (Che Dio ci aiuti) in the role of the police cop, her colleague Giuseppe Spata and Inspector Gianluca Gobbi.
The series, in 3 episodes, is written by Donatella Diamanti, Valerio D'Annunzio and Mario Cristiani. Head Writer, Donatella Diamanti. Organisational and Financial Support of Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission - Promo Turismo FVG. With the collaboration of the State Police.
RATINGS PREMIERE (Monday February 13, 2023): 4.748.000 viewers (25.5% of share)