Buongiorno Mamma, the family drama broadcasted by Canale 5 in 2021 is back on Wednesday, February 15 in prime time slot with 12 new episodes. The series produced by Lux Vide (a Fremantle company) and RTI include a stellar cast with Raoul Bova, Maria Chiara Giannetta, Matteo Oscar Giuggioli, Beatrice Arnera, Federico Cesari.
In the second season, Anna is still in coma, surrounded by the love of Guido and their four childrens but, above all, by the mysteries concerning her and her husband's past. The discovery of an object in the lake rekindles the complex mechanisms of mystery and secrets of the Borghi family's past. While Guido continues to take care of the children and especially of Sole (whose real mother is Maurizia) who is pregnant, Anna seems to have to decide whether to finally say goodbye to her family to allow her to go on or whether to wake up from her coma to protect her. The truth must come out: only by discovering who has hurt them in the past, the Borghi will be able to prevent the danger from being renewed in the present.
The first season closed with 3.85mln viewers and an audience share of 18.53% share (20.75% active share) in the last episode, but the average share of the season was of 3.5mln viewers with an average share of 16.58%.
The second season debuts with 3.458.000 viewers and 21.7% of share, recording the best debut for a Mediaset's series since 7 years.