Dead Pixels follows the journey of three young friends whose lives revolve around an online video game, with the ultimate goal of defeating a virtual villain. Based in the city of Hyderabad, the show comically depicts their obsession with the game and how it interferes in different aspects of their daily lives. The group, however, is in for a shock when a new player arrives and upends their dynamics in both the virtual and real world. The stakes are high as online alliances and rivalries are formed that are as potent as the ones in the flesh. The show highlights the importance of acceptance and underscores that everyone can form their own community of friends and support systems, rising above their similarities and differences.
BBC Studios and Disney + Hotstar to adapt Dead Pixels
Disney+ Hotstar and BBC Studios to adapt the British modern comedy Dead Pixels. The six-part series will be produced by BBC Studios India and Tamada Media Ltd, with animation by Keyframe Studios, directed by Aditya Mandala, written by Akshay Poolla and features an exciting star cast headlined by popular actors Niharika Konidela, Harsha Chemudu, Sai Ronak, Akshay Lagusani and Bhavana Sagi.
Dead Pixels follows the journey of three young friends whose lives revolve around an online video game, with the ultimate goal of defeating a virtual villain. Based in the city of Hyderabad, the show comically depicts their obsession with the game and how it interferes in different aspects of their daily lives. The group, however, is in for a shock when a new player arrives and upends their dynamics in both the virtual and real world. The stakes are high as online alliances and rivalries are formed that are as potent as the ones in the flesh. The show highlights the importance of acceptance and underscores that everyone can form their own community of friends and support systems, rising above their similarities and differences.
Dead Pixels follows the journey of three young friends whose lives revolve around an online video game, with the ultimate goal of defeating a virtual villain. Based in the city of Hyderabad, the show comically depicts their obsession with the game and how it interferes in different aspects of their daily lives. The group, however, is in for a shock when a new player arrives and upends their dynamics in both the virtual and real world. The stakes are high as online alliances and rivalries are formed that are as potent as the ones in the flesh. The show highlights the importance of acceptance and underscores that everyone can form their own community of friends and support systems, rising above their similarities and differences.