Focused on a young audience, We Are Five follows the lives of the friends Benê (Daphne Bozaski), Ellen (Heslaine Vieira), Keyla (Gabriela Medvedovski), Lica (Manoela Aliperti) and Tina (Ana Hikari) and addresses issues such as social inequality, racism, sexuality and religion. Among other highlights are the five seasons of Under Pressure and Where My Heart Is series that had their protagonists, Marjorie Estiano and Leticia Colin, respectively, nominated for the International Emmy for Best Actress.
In the true crime genre, Globo will take the documentary series ‘’, which was launched for the international market at the Berlinale, Flordelis: Doubt or Worship, On Behalf of Godand The Evandro Case: A devilish plot to the event; the latter was nominated for the International Emmy for Best Documentary.
“Europe is a strategic territory for Globo, and in addition to the Berlinale, which we went to in February, and Series Mania, we are also confirmed for MIPTV, in April. We want to show that we have a varied portfolio with documentary and drama series, with stories and themes that connect to the public, and also show our versatility and power of engagement”, said Gabriel Doria, Sales Manager at Globo. -