Stealer: The Treasure Keeper, starring Joo Won, is a comedy-crime genre TV series that presents the story of an unofficial heritage redemption team, which collaborates with a group of police officials to detect informal and illegal activities conducted against stolen national heritages and restore everything to be in the right places. The show presents the paradoxical concept of a “thief” that may initially be seen as a figure with unrighteous behaviors but eventually turns out to be righteous, which will provoke unexpected excitement amongst viewers. The first episode of Stealer: The Treasure Keeper will be released on CJ ENM owned No.1 K-content channel tvN, starting April 12th.
A sci-fi thriller, Duty After School, conveys the stories of high school seniors, the class of 2022, who are recruited as soldiers to fight against unidentified extraterrestrial spheres that have taken over the world. The show’s outstanding visual facets vividly showcase a sense of urgency surrounding the world, and the quality graphic effects and narratives have led it to be successfully premiered at Series Mania 2023. With its primary world premiere in Series Mania 2023, Duty After School has gained tremendous attention from global audiences based on its unique topic and unforeseen story development. Furthermore, after Duty After School Part 1 (Ep. 01–06) launched on March 31st, the show has been ranked in first place among CJ ENM-launched OTT TVING original series for leading the most subscription rate during the first week of release, highlighting the show’s national popularity.
All That We Loved, a romantic comedy genre TV series starring global K-POP star Sehun from EXO, talks about the pure yet complicated relationships of two friends, competing against each other over a new it girl “So-yeon.” For a situation everyone may have experienced once - friendship vs. love - the show will entice various viewers with its sympathetic storyline. Meanwhile, the highly anticipated All That We Loved will be aired on TVING starting May 5th.
Regarding CJ ENM’s brand new TV series lineup, Sehee Jang, the head of global marketing, said, “We are genuinely excited to introduce such diverse lineups for our national and global fans, who are ready to enjoy CJ ENM’s K-content. Like always, CJ ENM will constantly dedicate itself to delivering and distributing top-notch Korean TV series in the global content market and pleasing various viewers.”
photo: Stealer, Duty After School, All That We Loved / CJ ENM)